Call for Abstract
Scientific Program
12th Global Oil and Gas Expo, will be organized around the theme “Future Challenges for Oil and Gas Exploration and Consumption”
Oil and Gas 2020 is comprised of 16 tracks and 0 sessions designed to offer comprehensive sessions that address current issues in Oil and Gas 2020.
Submit your abstract to any of the mentioned tracks. All related abstracts are accepted.
Register now for the conference by choosing an appropriate package suitable to you.
Crude Oil is also commonly called as “ Black Gold”. It is formed from the high temperature and pressure on buried remains of animals and plants that lived over millions of years ago in the environment. Oil and Gas are hydrocarbons because they are the compound of carbon and hydrogen atoms. By the increase in temperature, organic matter is first changed into kerogen, which is a solid form of hydrocarbon .At around 90°C, it is changed into a liquid state, which we call oil and at around 150°C, it is converted into a gas. A rock that has produced oil and gas in this way is known as a Source Rock
It mainly comprises of hydrocarbon molecules and formed from marine species, upwelling water and Black Shale. It can also classified as either “sweet crude” (sulphur content less than 0.5%) or “sour crude” (sulphur content is at least 2.5%). Mixture of hydrocarbon molecules is responsible for its variations in colour, composition and inconsistency.
Essentially, refining breaks down into its various components, which then are selectively reconfigured into new products. Oil refineries are quite complex plants but are relatively mature and highly integrated. This process meets the demand for cleaner products and is the major drive for process refinement and development of novel processes.
The upstream segment of the business sector is also known as the Exploration and Production (E & P) sector because it surrounds the field related to observing for, regaining and producing crude oil and natural gas. Upstream is the first progressive step in the oil industry. These activities are all about wells: where to detect them; how deep and how far to drill them; and how to outline, employ, operate and manage them to deliver the greatest possible return on investment with the brightest, safest and shortest operational footmark.
Upstream can be exploited into many components, but the main ones we’ll touch on are: discovering out and selecting potential and probable oil sites, evaluation of these sites, drilling and grounding exploratory wells, if the wells are deemed economically feasible and recoverable and operating these wells to extract crude oil.
Most large oil companies are known as being "integrated" because they integrate upstream activities, which include exploration and production, with downstream operations. This segment also includes Pipeline Corrosion control, Leakage Recognition, Road Transport and Environment, Route development, Bulk Natural Gas and Oil Transport, End Developers and Operators, Fire Protection and Emergency Response and Crude Oil Exports.
This sector is the part of the oil industry involved with purifying crude oil and refining it into different products which runs mainly on three factors: separation, conversion and treatment. It’s operations includes refining crude oil and distributing the by-products down to the retail level. By-products can include diesel oil, natural gas liquids, gasoline and a variety of other energy sources. As the transportation and carriage of crude oil is a big universal business and an important part of the downstream sector, it also involves the transportation and marketing of crude oil and its products.
Companies involved in the high-threat/high-reward area of exploration and production focus on searching, expanding, producing and retailing different types of oil and gas. Today, technological innovation allows more effective and systematic management of fields and better analysis of exploration scopes, reducing the need to drill innumerable exploratory wells thus saving money and minimising environmental damage. As the need to find fresh and new oil and gas deposits increases, the exploration industry will be persistently driven toward the use of more advanced investigating methods, including latest seismic technologies.
Biofuels are a wide range of fuels which are in some way derived from biomass. The term involves solid biomass, liquid fuels and various biogases. Biofuels are gaining increased public and scientific recognition, driven by factors such as oil price spikes and the need for increased energy security and sustainability. The greatest amounts of hydrocarbons are used as fuel for combustion, particularly in heating and automobile fuel applications. The major components of natural gas are methane and LNG/ CNG. We are all familiar with the use of Shale Gas/ Shale Oil, Biodiesel.
The Oil and Gas industries form the engine of the world’s economy. Gas plays a fundamental role in economic growth and progress with a greater contribution to the generation of electricity. It also plays a key role in national security. Because of the diverse uses oil and gas and their direct links to economic and social wellbeing, the demand for these commodities and their products continues to grow as incomes rise and populations expand in most developing countries. Oil prices have greater impact on economic, social and political sectors. Oil and gas companies frequently collaborate with national and local govt., national and international organizations.
With rising global energy demand, the oil and gas industry has a wide range of challenges and opportunities across the different production streams and oilfield services sectors. The past two years have seen a significant build-up in oil companies planned investments in unconventional oil and gas plays, with a marked increase in joint enterprises and acquisitions.
The successful application of new technologies has literally expanded the reach of the industry's drills to "frontier fields", allowing drilling and production in intolerant environments, and remote and challenging locations. Other new technologies include cable-free land seismic data acquisition, which can be mostly useful since it can reduce the costs of on-land seismic data collection, time-lapse or 4D seismic monitoring, Carbon Capture and Storage.With the greater collaboration on R&D activities, this common challenge can be attended together - and continue to reach new boundaries in oil and gas industry.
Satellite interferometry synthetic aperture radar (InSAR) can play a cost-effective role in understanding terrain stability. A GIS technique is incorporated within the RS framework for manipulating the obtained data and improving effectiveness. This technology proves to be a frontier for oil and gas exploration and exploitation targets.
It aims at increasing market share or revenue in oil and gas field, enhancing customer satisfaction, and making it cost effective. Successful business transformation requires deep industry knowledge, the application of lessons learned from previous executions, and renovating tools and approaches that are proven to produce lasting change. This sector encompasses consulting, transformation, stimulating, re-plat forming and sustenance.
The main priorities are to anticipate, address and lower the environmental challenges and industrial hazards. The commitment of this section is to implement dynamic and robust programs, as well as cultivating an organisational culture committed to superior performance.
It focuses on People management, Society and the environment, Customer service, quality and relations, Ethics and governance in the organization structure. Ethics policy is simple: All company’s activities should be conducted with the highest and positive level of integrity and ethics, complying with the letter and the spirit of all applicable laws and regulations.
So great is the economic power of oil that it has propelled relatively hidden countries and even entire regions to commercial and financial. Oil and gas is the largest business in the world. Compared to traditional investment options, those who wish to invest in oil and gas will see oil provides sound returns with regular and monthly cash flow. Investment policies in oil and gas can also provide tax advantages which aren't going to be possible with any other type of investment, including real estate, stocks, shares and bonds.